
Get In Touch

Reach out and let us know how we can help you.

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(913) 706-2766

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Options For Service

Send It To Us

Most equipment can be sent to us for service. We can service and calibrate in house for much cheaper than an onsite visit. Get in touch to learn more.

We Come To You

We offer a onsite service for all yourt equipment. We first work with you to figure out the issue, then travel to you to impliment the repair. This is a time effective service for you.

Phone Support

Some issues are simple and can be easily solved with a phone call. This is the cheapest and most time effective solution for you. Give us a call today to see if we can help.

Remote Support

We offer a remote support solution. Whether it’s a remote connection to your PC or a video call to see the issues ourselves, we offer solutions that work for you.